Finally available: Spectro-Chrome Glasses! Easy to use - 15 minutes once or twice a day are sufficient to give our body impulses that normalate1 and harmonize physiological processes. While classic Spectro-Chrome tonation2requires a specific device and a warm room, you are more independent with Spectro-Chrome Glasses as they can be used practically anytime, anywhere. They are well combinable with the classic Spectro-Chrome Method - the glasses serve as adjuvants between two systemic applications of colored light.
Health results from a well-coordinated rhythmic interplay of the parasympathetic nervous system, with its relaxing and regenarating effects, and the sympathetic nervous system, with its activating and tonifying effects. These two antagonistic entities form the autonomic nervous system and can be influenced by colored light – simply through your eyes!
Use of Spectro-Chrome Glasses
There are various possibilities of using Spectro-Chrome Glasses:
- Put on Spectro-Chrome Glasses of your choice for 15 minutes and look at a white/bright surface.
- Daylight has the best quality.
- If you use Spectro-Chrome Digital, you can have the application in front of a good computer screen.
- Looking at a 40-watt bulb in an opaque glass body has proven to be very effective.
- Avoid artificial light with negative effects (LED, energy-saving lamps etc.).
Spectro-Chrome Glasses in Innovative-Eyeware-Shop
According to the Spectro-Chrome Method, ‘green’ and ‘magenta’ represent the ‘axis of health’. Before starting a specific tonation with other colors, you should use these two colors alternately for about 1 to 2 weeks. If you decide to have two applications per day, use green glasses during daytime and magenta-colored ones in the evening. Just in case you prefer to stick to one treatment per day, alternate between green and magenta-colored glasses on a daily basis.
Get acquainted with the Spectro-Chrome educational chart. It shows you which colors are most suited for specific hours of the day: infra-green colors during the day, ultra-green colors for evenings and nights. Green and magenta are neutral colors. Green agrees best with the day, whereas magenta is suited better for evening hours.
Lemon represents the softest color on the stimulating side of the color spectrum, therefore it is the mildest infra-green color. Lemon constitutes the supporting therapeutic pillar in treating chronic diseases as it gently stimulates metabolic processes, so that normalization can set it.
Turquoise is the softest color on the depressant side of the color spectrum and it is also the mildest ultra-green color. Turquoise constitutes the supporting therapeutic pillar of treating acute diseases as it gently calms metabolic processes, so that a normalization can set in.
Lemon and turquoise are opposite colors in a physiological sense, which means that these colors have opposite biological effects.
Naturally, it would be ideal to have a complete set of Spectro-Chrome Glasses at your disposal. If you prefer not getting into the act straight away, it would be advisable to purchase Spectro-Chrome Glasses in pairs.
Green - Magenta (axis of health)
Lemon - Turquoise (chronic – acute conditions)
Scarlet - Purple (circulatory opposite colors)
Red - Blue (opposite colors)
Orange - Indigo (opposite colors)
Yellow - Violet (opposite colors)
Spectro-Chrome Glasses in Innovative-Eyeware-Shop
If a specific color (e.g. orange) is used for a longer period of time, it is advisable to apply the opposite color once a week in order to keep the organism’s reactions flexible. Therefore, it makes sense to always use Spectro-Chrome Glasses combined in pairs.
1 normalate – a specific Spectro-Chrome term by Dinshah P. Ghadiali, meaning to normalize, return to normal
2 tonation – a specific Spectro-Chrome term by Dinshah P. Ghadiali, meaning a treatment session with Spectro-Chrome Colors