Stimulates the sensory nervous system which energizes the senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. (1)
Liver builder and stimulant, areas #7-8. (2)
Builds platelets, hemoglobin, etc., of the blood (hemoglobic). (3)
Causes rapid expulsion of debris through the skin; may induce skin redness, itching, pimples, until the internal cleansing process is completed (irritant, pustulant). (4)
Counter-agent for burns from x-rays, ultra-violet, etc. (5)
Blood plates (tonus-raising / stimulating)
Erythrozcytes (tonus-raising / stimulating)
Liver (tonus-raising / stimulating)
Speeln (sedating / depressant)
Sensoric nervous system (tonus-raising / stimulating)