Color attributes:
- Ultra-Green
- Opposite color: Orange ☀
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency: 157.04 Hz
- Note: B
- Chemical elements: Bi, Pb, Po, Th
Color effects:
- Parathyroid builder and stimulant, area #3. (41)
- Thyroid depressant, area #3. (42)
- Respiratory depressant, areas #3-4-5-17. (43)
- Causes contraction, controls abscesses, lessens secretion, arrests discharges and hemorrhages (astringent, antipyic, anti-emetic, hemostatic). (44)
- Promotes the production of phagocytes which destroy harmful micro-organisms, bacteria, germs, etc. (45)
- Mammary depressant reduces milk production, areas #4-5 (lactifuge). (46)
- Eases suffering, lessens excitement and overactivity (sedative). (47)
- Mammary glands (sedative / depressant)
- Parathyroids (tonus-raising / stimulating)
- Phagocytes (tonus-raising / stimulating)
- Thyroid gland (sedative / depressant)
Reference to system:
- Respiration (sedative / depressant)
- Pain (sedative / depressant)
- Agalorrhoea (sedative / depressant)
Color filters to use: 4, 6, 8