Color attributes:
- Infra-Green
- Opposite color: turquoise ☾
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency: 250.56 Hz
- Note: B
- Chemical elements: Ce, Fe, Ge, Au, Hf, I, La, Nb, P, Pr, Pa, Sm, Sc, S, Ag, Th, Ti, U, V, Y, Zr
Color effects:
- Produces a favorable change in the process of nutrition and repair in persistent disorders (chronic alterative). Dissolve blood clots. (22)
- Promotes caughing to expel mucus and fluids from the lungs and air passages, areas #2-3-4-5-17 (23)
- Bone builder. (24)
- Brain stimulant, areas #1-15 (25)
- Thymus builder and stimulant, areas #4-5 (26)
- Mildly stimulates digestive system, areas #6-7-8-9-10-18-19 (laxative) (27)
- Equilibrator after extended use of ultra-green tonations. (28)
- Brain (tonus-raising / stimulating)
- Bones (tonus-raising / stimulating)
- Thymus (tonus-raising / stimulating)
Color filters to use: 1, 9